さて、「Strengths Based Parenting」から、15才未満の子供(テストの推奨対象年齢は10~14才)を対象にしたクリフトン・ストレングス「Clifton Youth Strengths Explorer」の10の才能のテーマを紹介するブックレビュー。
You like to start friendships and keep them for a long time — maybe even your whole life. You widen the circle of friends for yourself and others.
There are many ways to be good at relating. You might easily meet new people, learn their names and make friends very quickly wherever you go. You might take time to make friends but be good at building long-lasting friendships. You might do both. If you make friends quickly, people probably view you as happy, outgoing and instantly likeable. If you would rather spend time with a small group of friends talking, laughing or just being together, these friends might see you as a best friend they can trust and talk to. You might be best at relating with teachers, parents and other adults, and they can help you learn and feel good about yourself. Whatever your style of relating, people like you, and relationships are important to you.
あなたは友情を始めて、それを長く保つのが好きです—多分あなたの人生を通してさえ。 あなたは自分自身と他の人のために友達の輪を広げます。
関係を築くには多くの方法があります。 あなたは簡単に新しい人に会い、彼らの名前を学び、どこへ行ってもすぐに友達を作ることができます。 友達を作るのに時間がかかるかもしれませんが、長続きする友情を築くのは得意です。 あなたは両方をするかもしれません。 あなたがすぐに友達を作るなら、人々はおそらくあなたを幸せで、発信的で、即座に好感が持てると見なします。 友達の小さなグループと話したり、笑ったり、一緒にいるだけで時間を過ごしたい場合、これらの友達はあなたを信頼して話せる親友と見なすかもしれません。 あなたは教師、保護者、その他の大人との関係を築くのが得意かもしれません。彼らはあなたが自分自身について学び、気分を良くするのを助けることができます。 あなたの関係のスタイルが何であれ、あなたのような人々、そして人間関係はあなたにとって重要です。
Action items for children with Relating
• Friends are an important part of your world. Do you want to make some of your friendships stronger? Make a point of inviting those friends to do things with you or to spend time with your other friends. Get to know their family, pets or hobbies. Let them get to know you too. The more time you spend together, the better friends you can become.・Beginning friendships can be fun and quick for you. One way to start a friendship is by simply saying hi and learning someone’s name. Each week, try to get to know one person better. Learn the person’s name and find out something new about him or her each day. Find something that both of you like.
・Challenge yourself to see how many people’s names you can learn in your school or class. Keep a list of the names you learn each week. As the list grows, so will your circle of friends.
・When people are in a new situation, like when they are at a new school or when they don’t know anyone at a party, they probably feel nervous. You can help by quickly welcoming them, asking their names and introducing them to your friends. They will feel better when they feel like they have friends too.
・When you give someone a compliment and say you like something about him or her, you make that person’s day better. And it probably makes you both feel good about each other. Try to compliment at least two people each day. It might be as simple as saying,“Thanks for lending me a pencil”or,“Nice shoes”as someone walks down the hall.
Action items for parents of children with Relating –
・Ask your child about his friends. Honor his Relating talents by letting him talk about what’s going on with other kids. Listening is affirming. Offer advice only when he asks for it.・Relationships come in all shapes and sizes. How does your child relate best — one on one or in groups? Does he interact best with younger children, peers or adults? Encourage his talent for building relationships, and create opportunities for interactions. For example, when you go on an outing, have him bring along a friend. Arrange study groups that include him. Consider asking him to help younger children.
・Remember that your child’s reaction to the world is filtered through relationships. Interactions throughout the day will affect his mood. Don’t take it personally. Understand, acknowledge and listen to his feelings, and appreciate his interpretations.
・お子さんに友達のことを聞いてください。 彼に他の子供たちと何が起こっているかについて話させることによって彼の関連する才能を称えなさい。 聞くことは肯定的です。 彼がそれを求めたときだけアドバイスを提供してください。
・関係はあらゆる形と大きさで来ます。 あなたの子供はどのように最もよく関係していますか— 1対1またはグループで? 彼は年少の子供、仲間、または大人と最もよく交流しますか? 人間関係を築くための彼の才能を奨励し、相互作用の機会を創出します。 たとえば、外出するときは、友達を連れてきてもらいます。 彼を含む研究会を手配する。 彼に年少の子供たちを助けるように頼むことを検討してください。
・世界に対するお子さんの反応は、人間関係によってフィルタリングされることを忘れないでください。 一日中の相互作用は彼の気分に影響を与えます。 個人的に服用しないでください。 彼の気持ちを理解し、認め、耳を傾け、彼の解釈に感謝します。
Words that describe this theme
team player
Questions for your child
・How long you have known your closest friend?
・Have you complimented any of your friends recently? Is there someone you could compliment more in the future? ・What are two questions you could ask someone you would like to know better to know more about what he or she is like?
・How could you learn the names of more kids in your class or in other classes?
・最近、友達を褒めましたか? 将来もっと褒められる人はいますか?
Theme contrasts
Relating: You connect with people.
Discoverer: You connect with thoughts and ideas.Relating: You establish friendships.
Competing: You establish wins.

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